Reciprocal bonds between public spaces design and types of appropriation in Rosario, Argentina (2000-2020)
Public space, Recreation, Architecture, Environmental Psychology, Attachment, Appropriation, Wellbeing, Design processAbstract
In the last decades, the reproduction and the renovation of public spaces became widespread. On the one hand, as an antidote for problems related to urban life, and on the other hand, as a way to place cities in a competitive raking which follows global capitalist logics. The meaning of these spaces for the population began to be studied almost twenty years later. It was demonstrated that there is a reciprocal individual-space relationship, which is influenced by subjective perceptions and affective bonds that impact the wellbeing. It was assumed that the physical qualities of the place influence the development of those ties. Thus, the design plays an important role in those cognitive processes. Meanwhile, Rosario’s urban transformation since 2000 was centered around the renovation and reproduction of its public spaces. Due to the prevalence of this change, two parks of the central coast of the city were selected to be inquired through a mixed methodology which enabled to investigate the physical qualities, the uses and the types of attachment and appropriation. The exploration was held through a field work, surveys and the triangulation of direct observation, graphic report, photography, and the questionnaire responses. In both parks positive links were observed by the population, however, a deep analysis of the cases revealed design issues which affect these ties. Taking this into account, it is possible to replicate this kind of evaluation to other cases within and without Argentina. Moreover, it is essential to reflect upon different design logics in order to pursue the wellbeing in the present urban life.
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