Architecture as a concrete sculpture
The Temple of the Israelite Cemetery of Mar del Plata, Argentina (1961-1963)
modern architecture, concrete art, geometry, form, Horacio Baliero, Carmen CórdovaAbstract
This paper proposes to show the shared aspects between the architectural resources brought into play for the formal generation of the temple of the Israelite Cemetery of Mar del Plata and the features of concrete sculpture. From the detailed description of the work and distinguishing the design strategies that shaped it, we will try to demonstrate the existence of a geometric condition in its genesis, the conformation of a dynamic space and the delineation of a rational form that responded to the particularities of the programme. These aspects coincided with the parameters developed by the sculptural productions of concrete art. These relationships will be affirmed from the specific location of the authors - Carmen Córdova and Horacio Baliero - in the cultural fabric of 1950 in Buenos Aires and their developments from the oam group.
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