Spatial metatypologies and their particular poetic project logics

Metatipologias espaciais e suas lógicas particulares de projeto poético




metatypology, spatialities, project logics, Poetics, Esthetic, Phenomenology, Rhetoric, aesthetic experience, rhetorical operations, Typology


This paper explores the notion of spatial metatypology, understanding it as a conceptual territory of ontological range within which the essential characteristics of the four basic spatial configurative metatypes are defined, opportunely explained in already published texts, and here revisited for further study and dissemination. These four spatial metatypes operate as the initial foundation, explicit or tacit, of the design processes that determine the configuration of the architectural form, and, therefore, of the level of quality of the existential environment that allows the performance of the rites and ceremonies of the social practices in which the human condition finds its identity and meaning.

Each spatial metatype tends to stimulate different and specific behavioral-emotional responses. Likewise, each spatial metatype to achieve its coherent and optimal configuration must express its principle of action, its reason for being, its identity, using to do so the configurational orientation of its own particular poetic project logic. The correct use of the various poetic or poetic project logic favours the coherent configuration of an environment that stimulates poetic living for harmonious growth, according to Heidegger.

A poetic or poetic project logic is a conceptual structure that organizes the formal configuration processes in order to obtain a product that can effectively satisfy the human needs that determine it, both those understood as primary, of a prosaic-utilitarian nature, as well as those conceptualized as secondary or spiritual.

The poetic action basically consists of configuring through rhetorical operations a semantically ambiguous, syntactically self-referential, and pragmatically exciting form, acting within and from the grammatical limits of an articulated language that allows establishing a rhythmic-metaphorical structuring.

These poetic project actions have generated archetypal responses for certain frequently used symbolic-operational architectural programs, thus originating the notion of typology as that territory that brings together these configurations to review and renew them critically, sometimes generating new typologies, understood Likewise, as architectural or formal ideas that increase disciplinary knowledge.

The teaching and practice of the architectural project can and should improve if the explicit learning of a theory of the poetic project is implemented that implies the recognition, demarcation and aesthetic-operational capacities of each of these metatypologies, as well as the wise use of their particular poetic project logics.


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Author Biography

Jorge Pokropek, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Arquitecto UM; Especialista y Magister en Lógica y Técnica de la Forma de la FADU-UBA; Maestría en Diseño Arquitectónico y Urbano,  FADU-UBA. Doctorando de la FADU-UBA.
Profesor Adjunto regular de la FADU-UBA.
Profesor de la UNM y del Doctorado en Diseño de  la UP, Argentina.
Profesor de universidades de México, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador y Uruguay.
Autor de La Espacialidad Arquitectónica y coautor de Merodeando la forma.
Autor de numerosas publicaciones en revistas de la especialidad.


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How to Cite

Pokropek, J. (2023). Spatial metatypologies and their particular poetic project logics: Metatipologias espaciais e suas lógicas particulares de projeto poético. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 13(2).



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