Spatial Justice

Deductions, Demonstrations, and Derivations




Spatial justice is a relatively recent concept, often associated with David Harvey and Edward Soja. Much of the literature on the topic focuses on understanding social justice issues, but we cannot forget the environmental challenges that are equally important in this discussion. In this way, spatial justice connects the spatial dimension to issues of social and environmental justice, making them inseparable (Brown et al., 2007, p. 27). More recently, environmental justice has evolved to include other species, not just humans, giving rise to the so-called multispecies environmental justice.


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Adegeye, A., & Coetzee, J. (2019). Exploring the fragments of spatial justice and its relevance for the global south. Development Southern Africa, 36(3), 376–389.

Ansaloni, F., & Tedeschi, M. (2016). Ethics and spatial justice: Unfolding non-linear possibilities for planning action. Planning Theory, 15(3), 316–332.

Brawley, L. (2009). The practice of spatial justice in crisis. Justice Spatiale-Spatial Justice, 1, 1–19.

Bret, B. (2018). Spatial justice and geographic scales. JSSJ Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice, 12.

Brown, N., Griffis, R., Hamilton, K., Irish, S., & Kanouse, S. (2007). What makes justice spatial? What makes spaces just? Three interviews on the concept of spatial justice. Critical Planning, 14(6), 6–28.

Dadashpoor, H., & Alvandipour, N. (2018). Spatial Justice and Regional Inequality: An Interdisciplinary Systematic Review. Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 10(3), 79–112.

Hafeznia, M. R., & Ghaderi Hajat, M. (2015). Conceptualization of spatial justice in political geography. Geopolitics Quarterly, 11(40), 32–60.

Salamanca Villamizar, C., Astudillo Pizarro, F., & Fedele, J. (2016). La ciudad y la justicia espacial. In B. Bret, P. Gervais-Lambony, C. Hancock, & F. Landy (Eds.), Justicia e injusticias espaciales (Vol. 1, pp. 11–66). UNR Editora Rosario.

Williams, J. (2013). Toward a theory of spatial justice. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. Los Angeles, CA “Theorizing Green Urban Communities” Panel Thursday.



How to Cite

Capra-Ribeiro, F. (2024). Spatial Justice: Deductions, Demonstrations, and Derivations. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 14(1).


