Modern architecture in Loja, Ecuador
Valdivieso’s residence case study, first modern architecture project in the city
Modernity in Loja, Residential architecture, Gilberto Gatto Sobral, modern design, Marcelo Rodríguez PalaciosAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the first residential work of modern times in Loja - Ecuador, developed by the Ecuadorian architect Marcelo Rodríguez Palacios; and who was a student of the Uruguayan architect Gilberto Gatto Sobral, in his training stage at the Central University of Ecuador; This, to analyze the Uruguayan academic influence adopted by the Ecuadorian architect and that influenced his work developed in the city during the 60s.
In this way, this article begins with a historical review of modernity in Ecuador, emphasizing the Uruguayan influence on modern architecture in the country, this taking into account all the contribution implemented by the Uruguayan architect Gilberto Gatto Sobral both in the urban architectural and academic; and that influenced in one way or another the expansion of modernity during his stay in Ecuador.
For this, the method of Cristina Gastón and Teresa Rovira has been considered, which consists of digital (re) drawing, an analysis method that is used to identify the design criteria used by the architect to reuse them as project material. In conclusion, it seeks to highlight the architectural qualities of the project and recognize the characteristics that place it within the modern movement.
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