The abstract image of the future city
Utopia, the cube and the City in Space (1968-1975)
The City in Space, utopia, cube, module, experiment, imagination, space, city, Taller de Arquitectura, Ricardo BofillAbstract
In 1968 Ricardo Bofill's Taller de Arquitectura published the book 'Towards a formalization of the City in Space', where for the first time the genesis of an initiative that would kick the board in the Spanish architecture of the time is presented. This experiment called the City in Space, plunges into a debate of strictly political interest and on the fringes of architecture that culminates years later with the failure of its administration. The images of the project reflect the effervescent spirit of an era, denoting a certain utopian approach and a way of operating that places the Taller among one of the most ambitious groups on the international architectural scene of the time. Consequently, the project that fatefully does not finish building, presents a notorious ambiguity in its speech, as well as its images show a certain innocence and a utopian inclination far from reality. The tension between an imaginative and an earthly side takes hold and directly affects the controversial outcome of the City in Space project. Through the images, the discourse of the Workshop and relying on content that portrays the spirit of the time, a discourse will be established that promotes analysis, discussion and the intention to create new questions about a project that little has been said about. but it sure has a lot to convey.
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