Matter and gloom

An architecture in the desert




Traditional architecture, cultural identity, rite, customs and traditions, Wayúu, Península La Guajira, Colombia


This text addresses the study of the architectural devices that characterize the habitat of the Wayúu community located on Colombia's La Guajira peninsula, in order to relate the symbolic value of their habitat contained in their domestic spaces, associated with rituals and myths, to draw some elements and forms contained in their architectures and understand aspects of their value as carriers of meanings. An inventory was built describing and reflecting on each of these devices, their daily uses and rituals, formal configurations and mythical background, which make up a simple but efficient architecture, with technical parameters that deserve to be counted and protected by their rich cultural content; data that was collected through field studies and interviews. Understanding the worth of heritage not as a liability of nostalgia, but as an asset of memory.


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Author Biographies

Ana Mercedes Suárez Velásquez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Coordinadora y docente. Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.

Álvaro Hernán Acosta Páez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Investigador líder y docente. Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.

Owen David Gonzalez Obando, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Estudiante de arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.

José Luis Suárez Montiel, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Arquitecto, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.

Maria Angélica Orozco Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Estudiante de arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín.


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2021-02-11 — Updated on 2021-05-06


How to Cite

Suárez Velásquez, A. M., Acosta Páez, Álvaro H., Gonzalez Obando, O. D., Suárez Montiel, J. L., & Orozco Rodríguez, M. A. (2021). Matter and gloom: An architecture in the desert. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 11(1). (Original work published February 11, 2021)



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