State of the art for the appreciation of the cultural and economic value of mid-20th century residential properties in Mexico
Estado da arte para a apreciação do valor cultural e econômico de imóveis residenciais da metade do século XX no México
Residential buildings, Mid-20th century, State of the art analysis, Cultural and economic value, Appreciation, Architectural heritage, Modern architecture, Conservation, Valuation studies, Sociocultural context, Economic valueAbstract
This article presents a state-of-the-art review on the appreciation of the cultural and economic value of residential properties built during the mid-20th century (1940-1970) in Mexico. As these buildings surpass their material lifespan and in an effort to prevent their loss, the need to understand and preserve their cultural value for future generations is emphasized. The study of the literature begins by examining the historical and social context in which these properties were developed, as the mid-20th century witnessed significant changes in the world, including economic, social, and technological transformations. These factors had a direct impact on architecture and the design of homes during that time, giving rise to distinctive trends that reflected the mindset and aspirations of society back then. Despite their architectural significance, these properties lack legal protection in Mexico and are often altered or demolished due to their location in central urban areas that have gained high real estate value. The importance of valuing these buildings as architectural landmarks and cultural heritage is addressed, as their significance goes beyond their original function as dwellings; they serve as testimonies to a period in urban history, values, and lifestyles of the people who inhabited them. The analysis of the state-of-the-art reveals the existence of different methods and approaches used to appreciate and combine the economic and cultural value of such properties, as well as their impact on the identity and sense of belonging of a community. The analysis highlights the challenges in safeguarding these buildings in a context of constant social, economic, and urban transformation, leading to discussions on practical implications and possible recommendations derived from this analysis. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of promoting awareness and education about the cultural value of these properties, both among professionals in the sector and in society as a whole.
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