Optimization of the design of a public building with passive conditioning strategies in the town of Mar Chiquita, Argentina
energy efficiency, passive solar design, bioenvironmental design, thermal comfort, dynamic simulation, energy simulation, temperate cold maritime climate, infiltrations, window to wall ratio, use of shutters, sunspaceAbstract
The global building sector faces an increase in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In Argentina, the energy matrix is based on non-renewable sources, and the commercial and public sectors allocate nearly 50% of their energy to heating and cooling. This study focuses on the Mar Chiquita Interpretation Center, a building designed under sustainability criteria that uses a sunspace as a passive climate control strategy. The objective is to analyze the building's design and optimize it to achieve lower energy use for thermal conditioning. Through energy simulations conducted with EnergyPlus, different designs were evaluated concerning the window-to-wall ratio, infiltration, and the use of shutters to optimize thermal comfort and energy consumption. The results showed that an excessive proportion of windows contributes to overheating, while reducing infiltration improves thermal comfort in winter. The implementation of shutters during the day eliminates the need for mechanical cooling in summer, while their nighttime use in winter decreases the need for heating. In conclusion, the importance of passive solar design strategies in temperate cold and humid climates is highlighted, along with the need for further research on the window-to-wall ratio in buildings without sunspaces and to evaluate actual infiltrations after construction.
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