Brief Atlas of life, towards the Landscape of learning




Atlas, Life, Landscape, Education, Science, Art, Landscape of Learning


Brief Atlas of life, towards the Landscape of learning, is a rootlet that will show authors for the theoretical practical review of the Thesis: Landscape as an experience of cultural transformation. Landscape of learning and University Campus.

It is based on: Atlas Mnemosine (Warburg), Rhizome (Delleuze&Guattari), Time (Hawking) and Nebulas (Berenstein & Da Silva). It shows the Hommo sapiens as a specie, part of landscape, with its cultural contributions (positives and negatives). Conscious that “We are landscape”, we are exploring and collecting ways to minimize the landscape degradation, that is our own degradation.

The idea of Live from Heiddeger, “to protect” from Roberto Burle Marx and Stoneman Douglas, “to act” of Beauvior, “to life” of Thoureau, “to learn by experience” of Dewey and by “the pleasure” of Epicuro; are experiences associated in the Brief Atlas of Life. On it we will found parallelism about discovering, studies, ideas; linked and communicating between each other as the roots of trees do.


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Author Biography

Carla Urbina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doctora (Cand.) en Urbanismo en la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Master en Paisajismo y Especialista en Recuperación de Paisajes y Jardines históricos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España). Magister en Diseño Urbano, Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela). Arquitecta, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta (Venezuela). Premio Nacional de Arquitectura de Venezuela, 2017


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How to Cite

Urbina, C. (2018). Brief Atlas of life, towards the Landscape of learning. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 7, 65–82.



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