The church of Benalúa in Alicante (Spain) and the religious architecture of Juan Vidal Ramos




Alicante, Benalúa, Vidal Ramos, neogótico, arquitectura, escultura, reconstrucción, franquismo, posguerra española, iglesias


The reconstruction project of the church of Benalúa is analyzed from the documentation kept in the General Archive of the State Administration of the Spanish Government, referring to the General Directorate of Devastated Regions of the Franco regime during the postwar period, completed with the information from from other bibliographical sources and from the model preserved on the church. In the work, the motivations on the choice of the neo-Gothic style in the projection of the work and its extension to other buildings erected by the author are raised. On the other hand, the incompleteness of the temple is also treated with respect to how it had been designed. In the same way, news is given of other religious buildings in the province of Alicante rebuilt by Vidal Ramos under the auspices of the aforementioned organization in the 1940s.

The most outstanding conclusions refer to the strong Gothic influence in the Catalan training of the architect and the precarious arrival of state funds for the reconstructions, which forced the modification of the projects and the omission of certain planned elements.


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How to Cite

Martínez Prades, J. A. (2022). The church of Benalúa in Alicante (Spain) and the religious architecture of Juan Vidal Ramos. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 12(1).



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