The popular supply centers in the neoliberal city

The transformations of traditional markets, period 2013-2021




transformation, popular supply centers, processes, models, traditional markets, scales, gentrification, strategies, capitalism, restructuration


In tune with the processes of transformation of public space in contemporary cities, where actions linked to urban development, typical of neoliberalism, alter and distort the reality in which we find ourselves, this article addresses the current situation in 2013-2021 of popular supply centers, based on studies that reflect diverse perspectives and experiences of researchers.
The main objective of this work is to demonstrate the processes that afflict traditional markets in multiple contexts of the global space and to identify the common aspects that leave evidence od the implementation of set of strategies and solutions used to modify the structure and urban image, and that become convenient models for the commodification of cities as the only answer to urban problems, hiding the sociospatial inequalities, the expansion of poverty, exclusion and the urban violence that these generate.
The exploratory type research is based on a historical-comparative procedure, through which several cases located in different places are reviewed, where the processes of urban and architectural intervention have caused notorious effects, mainly in terms of symbolic, commercial and tourist gentrification. In this way, certain scopes of analysis corresponding to the diversity contexts: international, latin american and mexican, in order to clarify the existing situations.
In conclusion, the common situations in the analysis of these experiences and how they are shaped from neoliberal ideologies are evidenced. Based on the above, it is intended to reflect and rethink the processes of urban restructuring and reconversion of popular supply centers, particularly those cases in which negative impacts on social welfare occur.
Keywords: transformation, popular supply centers, processes, models, traditional markets, scopes, gentrification, strategies, neoliberalism, restructuration.


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Author Biographies

Bertha Lilia Salazar, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctor of Architecture from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoUNAM. Master in Construction by the ITC. Professor at the Universidad Veracruzana. Member of the UVCA 405 Habitat Culture. Member of the SNI. Academic participation in different national and international forums.

Rodrigo Ramo Díaz, Universidad Veracruzana

Student of the Doctoral Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the Universidad Veracruzana, Master in Architecture from the same University. Professor by subject at the Universidad de Xalapa and the Universidad de America Latina. Academic participation in various national and international forums; construction manager in residential and commercial architectural and maintenance projects

Luis Arturo Vázquez Honorato, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctor of Architecture from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico UNAM. Master in Construction by the ITC. Professor at the Universidad Veracruzana. Coordinator of the UVCA 405 Habitat Culture. Member of the SNI. Academic participation in different national and international forums.


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How to Cite

Salazar, B. L., Ramo Díaz, R. ., Vázquez Honorato, L. A., & Picanço Bentes, M. D. (2022). The popular supply centers in the neoliberal city: The transformations of traditional markets, period 2013-2021 . Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 12(2).



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