El confort térmico en la arquitectura vernácula de la Parroquia Chuquiribamba - Ecuador
earth construction, bioclomatic architecture, design consideration, thermal simulationAbstract
The vernacular architecture of Chuquiribamba responds to the climatic conditions of the place, linked to the use of earth transformed into adobe, mud and wattle and daub, where the practice and transmission of ancestral constructive knowledge that has passed from generation to generation stands out. As a result, the parish presents a simple architecture that at the same time is integrated to the natural landscape, being this one of the aspects considered for the site to be declared as National Patrimony of Ecuador. In spite of this, this type of construction continues to be left aside in favor of new buildings with other materials, ignoring the thermal benefits they can provide. The objective of this study was to evaluate bioclimatic aspects used intuitively in four housing typologies in a cold-temperate climate site through the analysis of their design conditions and their location with respect to environmental aspects, which are correlated with the application of thermal simulation software, allowing to recognize the benefits of the use of the material.
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