Of theatrical architecture and dramatic literature: methodological process

From Shakespeare to Pirandello


  • Manuel Iglesias Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




Architecture, interior architecture, theatre, building design, literature, space, Shakespeare, Pirandello



Theatre, as a multidisciplinary subject, has throughout the history of humanity a great variety of studies on its artistic implications. The architectural study of dramatic buildings entails, however, a lack of its relationship with the author and the texts of the works to be represented in them.

This research proposes the design and application of a mixed methodology for the study of spatial use in the theater building based on the analysis of dramatic texts and their application to their different synchronous building typologies. This analysis is based on the detailed study from the architectural perspective of the spectacular paratexts expressed within the verbal signs or through the anotations or didascalias of said texts that sometimes reach hypertrophy. In a practical way, in this research this quantitative and qualitative methodology is applied to Shakespeare's Hamlet and to Pirandello's play, Tonight we improvise. In both cases, the implications that the dramatic text produces in the use of theatrical architecture are extracted from the references set by the authors on their synchronous architectures: in all two case studies, the Elizabethan theater and the Italian theater. From this methodology, the repercussions that the architectural space causes on theatrical literature and vice versa will be verified.


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How to Cite

Iglesias, M. (2024). Of theatrical architecture and dramatic literature: methodological process: From Shakespeare to Pirandello. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.18861/ania.2024.14.1.3730



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