Professional learning networks for teachers in Chilean school contexts




learning communities, professional development, experiential learning, learning networks, in-service teacher training, educational innovations


Although professional learning networks for teachers are a renowned strategy, there is still little evidence of meanings and organizational conditions for their feasibility. This study examined teachers’ appraisals and the contextual and organizational factors favoring professional development in the Teacher Learning Network (TLN) fostered by a local authority in the Ñuble region in the south of Chile in 2018 and 2019. The experience was analyzed considering the contributions of the literature on professional learning networks, community learning networks, and the improvement networks fostered by the Chilean government. Based on a thematic analysis of teacher discourse in two focus groups, results show a positive perception of participation in collaborative work with peers from different levels and subject matters. They assert that peer work was a learning opportunity on curricular topics and sharing their reflections about their performance. Ultimately, this has meant some personal welfare. Regarding the organizational aspects for the appropriate functioning of a network, teachers remark on the relevance of leadership legitimacy and pedagogical competency. Teacher commitment, a sound work plan, and time availability are other participation requirements. An atypical finding was the mandatory nature of network participation. This challenges literature claims on the self-regulated nature of these communities.


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How to Cite

Navarro Navarro, L., & Pérez Norambuena, S. (2023). Professional learning networks for teachers in Chilean school contexts. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 14(1).



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