Technical and educational capacities of the teaching staff of Technical Professional Secondary Education establishments




pedagogical management, school leadership, coexistence, resource management, vocational-technical education


Secondary Technical Professional Education (EMTP) in Chile has not yet been able to adjust its study programs to respond to the current labor market needs. Therefore, although EMTP teachers have been offered training, there is no follow-up and monitoring to determine if these efforts have effectively improved the learning of this training. The study considers three research objectives, the first is to analyze the technical and educational capacities of teachers of technical-professional establishments, the second is to identify the possible differences concerning sociodemographic variables, and the third is to examine the existing correlations between all the variables revised. The study contemplated a non-experimental quantitative approach with a cross-sectional correlational descriptive design. The sample corresponded to the non-probabilistic type for intentional convenience and was made up of 179 teachers from eight establishments in the province of Biobío, Chile. Four strategic areas were examined in the study: Pedagogical Management, School Leadership; Coexistence; and Resource Management. In order to quantify the dimensions of the instrument, comparative analyzes of mean differences were performed through Anova and t-test and correlations through Pearson's coefficient. The main results show that there would be no statistically significant differences in the hours of work of the teachers. However, there is evidence of a difference in terms of sex and years of experience. In conclusion, it is noted that teachers positively value some of the practices established in educational centers, such as teaching and learning in the classroom, managerial leadership, coexistence, and management of financial resources. However, there would be difficulties regarding the decision-making that managers make based on the results obtained in internal or external evaluations of their educational institution. 


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How to Cite

Constenla Núñez, J., Jara Coatt, P., & Vera Sagredo, A. (2023). Technical and educational capacities of the teaching staff of Technical Professional Secondary Education establishments. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 14(1).



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