Organizational communication: construction of possible meanings to accompany learning


  • Elizabeth Introini Elissalde Dirección General de Educación Secundaria, Administración Nacional de Educación Pública



organizational communication, school management, leadership, school effectiveness, school environment, learning process, applied research, COVID-19


This article accounts for applied research in an educational organization within the framework of the Master in Educational Management of the Universidad ORT Uruguay. It intends to understand a problem that arises as a demand in an educational center and present a possible improvement proposal, the product of collaborative work with a driving team. The problem is linked to organizational communication and specifically to the difficulties in achieving a fluid exchange between the management team and some of the organization's officials, which negatively impacts the main purpose they pursue: to better accompany and monitor students, especially at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic led the education authorities to suspend attendance, and there was no other way than that of virtuality. Understanding the problem makes it possible to visualize that this difficulty affects other aspects of the organization, not collaborating to transform individual work schemes that reinforce the presence of a balkanized culture, nor does it promote greater involvement and strengthen the sense of belonging. The results obtained in the different phases of the investigation lead to the conclusion that, in this case, the forms of communication and the difficulties that arise are an obstacle to achieving the main purpose and affect the organization in other ways. For this reason, the improvement proposal implies elaborating a plan with various actions that aim at a more fluid communication, where its transversality predominates, also promoting a greater involvement of the different actors that enables better performance of their role and a greater sense of belonging.


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How to Cite

Introini Elissalde, E. (2023). Organizational communication: construction of possible meanings to accompany learning. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 14(especial).



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