Quality of English communicative competence in higher education: a theoretical review





communicative competence, English language learning, motivation, oral communication, speaking strategies, university student


The fundamental purpose of learning English is to communicate, whether to access a job, for tourism, or to be at the forefront of the latest scientific advances published in this language. Unfortunately, in the educational model used in Peru, some deficiencies impede its development due to a lack of clarity regarding the method or approach used to teach oral expression skills to students. This research aims to analyze the existing evidence on the importance of the development of English language communicative competence in higher education students and to identify those methods or strategies that prove to be more effective for its development. The methodology used corresponds to the review of studies indexed in recognized databases such as Scopus, Scielo, and Google scholar; the type of research is quantitative, based on a documentary and descriptive analysis of texts worldwide. The study revealed that most authors consider the development of communicative competence imperative and fundamental for the absolute mastery of this language; at the same time, it is one of the most difficult competences to achieve due to its complexity. 


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How to Cite

Sirlopú Vera, E. D. J., Marrufo Rojas, D. R., & Ortega Cabrejos, M. Y. (2023). Quality of English communicative competence in higher education: a theoretical review. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.18861/cied.2023.14.2.3370



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