Digital teaching competences in higher education in Argentina
higher education, teacher education, digital competence, educational technology, teaching competencesAbstract
The context of emergency remote teaching, due to COVID-19, faced education to a historical moment where digital technologies mediated teaching practices and the role of teachers took center stage. This article characterizes Argentine Higher Education teacher profile, the level of their digital teaching competences, and their self-perception about them. It proposes a quantitative study with a descriptive-correlational approach. For data collection, the DigCompEdu instrument was adapted to the Argentine context and applied to a sample of 1155 teachers from around the country. The results show that teachers perceive themselves with greater digital skills than they have and that there are differences in skill levels according to gender and disciplinary area. The level of competence teachers achieve positively correlates with seniority in including digital tools in their practices. It is also observed that the area least valued by teachers is the one that promotes the development of digital skills in students. Therefore, according to this study's findings, The promotion of actions to strengthen teachers' different areas of competence could be suggested.
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