Genesis of academic paths

itineraries of university professors studying for their doctorate




graduate students, higher education, private education, qualitative research, college professor, scholar academic paths


This paper aims to show the academic trajectories of Ph. doctoral candidates who are part of the full-time faculty of a higher education institution in the Mexican Republic, with a view to favoring a better understanding of the transformation processes of the university institution. In order to carry out this study, we opted for a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective based on grounded theory and the use of written narratives developed by the participating professors in this study. The most relevant findings included diversity in the genesis of academic vocation and its consequent trajectory since at least two tendencies were identified: those originating in the specific professional practice and those born in the university context, with the institutional conditions of the university, to which the doctoral student teachers belong, playing an important role in both. It is also striking that the determination to become an academic can occur at the beginning of professional life or once they have already experienced other fields of work, which is related to the field of knowledge of undergraduate studies, determining that professors who are doctoral students are more likely to become academics than those who are not; determining that professors who studied philosophy, accessed more quickly and naturally way to the academic field, which is different in other professions, that required before involved in the academy, to experience work in the specific professional field.


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How to Cite

García-Béjar, L., & Galbán-Lozano, S. E. (2024). Genesis of academic paths: itineraries of university professors studying for their doctorate. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 15(1).



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