The academic habitus of students in the Mexican high school system

a quantitative approach to its construction




secondary education, secondary school student, end of secondary school, teaching practices, educational reform, academic habitus


In 2008, the Mexican upper secondary education level underwent an educational reform aimed at establishing a competency-based curriculum model. To achieve this, the change in teaching practices of teachers was considered central. From a constructivist structural perspective, the concept of academic habitus was used to investigate the changes and persistences in the teaching practices commonly employed by teachers, and the way in which these are perceived by students. Through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) mean calculations were employed, as well as correlation tests for the processing of information from 1033 newly admitted students in 2018 to thirteen faculties of the Universidad Veracruzana. The results are presented in two analytical sections: exposition and incorporation. The first section details that the majority of students were exposed to traditional educational practices. In the second section, the relationship of these practices with how students classify and hierarchize teaching practices is described. Considering the information presented, the results are discussed in order to account for both the changes and the persistence of habitus in secondary education. A positive relationship is identified between the frequent use of instructional and assessment practices, and how students quantitatively classified and hierarchized educational practices.


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How to Cite

Vasquez Feria, A. G. M. E., Suárez Domínguez, J. L., & Jiménez García, S. (2024). The academic habitus of students in the Mexican high school system: a quantitative approach to its construction. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 15(1).



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