Perception of university life experiences of higher education students with ADHD
neurodevelopmental disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention span, qualitative research, higher educationAbstract
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes attention deficit and hyperactivity. This cognitive disorder is frequently studied in the child population. However, it is rarely addressed in the adult population, specifically in higher education, which leads to ignorance of many of the scope of this disorder, as well as making the strengths and difficulties of these students invisible when facing their training process, even though this condition does not decrease or disappear with age. For this reason, the objective of this study has been to describe the perceptions of higher education students with ADHD regarding the characteristics of their condition experienced during their training process. The methodological approach followed in this research is qualitative, with a comprehensive nature of the stories given by students with ADHD from a university in south-central Chile, who voluntarily agreed to be interviewed. The data were reviewed through content analysis, based on the creation of categories that allowed us to reveal the difficulties and abilities perceived by the students to face university life. Among the results, these students' knowledge of themselves stands out, as well as their effort to carry out tasks to meet academic demands. In conclusion, it is possible to highlight that both self-knowledge and sustained commitment are good tools for performing better in the university world.
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