Five contemporary curvature tensors. An approach to a new temporal space topology




Space, topology, strategies, contemporary architecture


Contemporary culture is identified with its own forms of production and reproduction of space. An absolutely visual project of imaginary dimension. What is mean to be expose is the emergence of a new temporal space topology, through the analysis of certain project strategies whose organizational forms and structures are logically and tactically redefined to understand the complex dynamics of the contemporary world.

Through five concrete project strategies, “Five contemporary curvature tensors”, a transversal reading that introduces models and discourses from the field of sociology and architecture will be drawn. The curvature tensors named by the sociologist Luis Castro Nogueira in the book “Laughter of space” (1997), refer to material practices whose visual codes fold and tense the first modern space moment as it is known.

This whole process of spatial gradation concludes in the virtual space. A synthetic and simulated typicity by electronic devices in which subject, object and medium become a progressive immaterial condition. Far from establishing absolute models, these topological displacements seek to establish a critical attitude necessary to project into future scenarios.


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How to Cite

Longo, M., & Ríos, I. (2019). Five contemporary curvature tensors. An approach to a new temporal space topology. Anales De Investigación En Arquitectura, 9(2), 89–108.



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