Habitability improvement of remittance funds built housing through passive bioclimatic strategies
passive design, bioclimatic strategies, habitability, improvement project, remittance housingAbstract
The objective of the research is to propose the improvement of a house built with remittance funds by migrants from Oaxaca in Mexico to increase their living conditions through passive bioclimatic strategies. For this, a diagnostic phase of the site was carried out in the Guadalupe Victoria agency in the Mixtec region of Oaxaca, specifying the characterization of houses built by people who immigrate to the United States. The above, to select the case study of a remittance house on which a thermophysical analysis of the construction systems with which it was built was carried out, which was complemented with a thermal simulation with the Ener-Habitat software. Subsequently, a hygrothermal study of the home was carried out, placing HOBOS data logger RH2 type temperature recorders inside it during the hot period in the area (May and June 2021). As a result, it was obtained that the remittance housing under study is decontextualized to the climate of the area, and requires adjustments in its envelope to improve comfort inside. To improve the habitability conditions of this house, the following proposals were made: “totomoxtle” (corn leaf) panels on the walls and covered with plaster. With this passive strategy, values of 63% of thermal wave damping and a lag of 8 hours are obtained in the wall system, while for the roof system values of 100% and 11.5 hours are reached, respectively. Likewise, it is proposed the adaptation of a greenhouse facing South-East, the heat conduction of the Patsari stove in the kitchen and dining room, and increasing 80 cm eaves in ceilings, thus guaranteeing that the habitability conditions of the studied dwelling are improved, benefiting to the González García family that owns the house.
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