Self-confidence and attitude towards entrepreneurship teaching

key driving factors of the entrepreneurial intention




entrepreneurial intention, teaching entrepreneurship, predictive factors, university students, logistic regression


The teaching of entrepreneurship is of vital importance for the socio-economic development of nations, especially due to its impact on the students' entrepreneurial intention. This study analyzes the factors driving the interest in this subject in university students who take entrepreneurship courses. Through a binary logistic regression model applied to 85 students from a Chilean state university, it was revealed that the favorable attitude towards the teaching of entrepreneurship and the student's self-confidence have a positive and significant impact on their entrepreneurial intention. It was also determined that the chosen career and work experience are relevant predictors. It is concluded that the interest of students to undertake entrepreneurship increases when they perceive that the teaching of this topic is useful for their training as an entrepreneur, and when they have the deep conviction that they are capable of undertaking entrepreneurship. There is also a greater chance that the student will undertake entrepreneurship if they have work experience and are pursuing entrepreneurial studies. The results are expected to contribute to a deeper understanding of the factors that lead university students to undertake entrepreneurship, which evidences the importance of developing plans of studies that enhance student confidence and a favorable attitude towards learning entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Araya-Pizarro, S. (2021). Self-confidence and attitude towards entrepreneurship teaching: key driving factors of the entrepreneurial intention. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 12(2).



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