Managerial Staff Perceptions on Organizational Factors Associated with School Efficacy




educational management, leadership, organizational learning, sense of community, high expectations


This study is a qualitative research on efficacy in educational organizations and its main objective is to describe the most relevant organizational factors that make an educational organization efficient in Carabayllo, Lima (Peru) in times of pandemic. For the analysis, four categories were identified: educational leadership, organizational learning, a sense of community, and high expectations. These categories helped to outline a semi-structured interview as a method of information gathering. The latter consists of twelve questions organized according to the four categories mentioned above. The sample on which this last instrument was applied is made up of four participants: three of them play the role of school coordinators and teachers, while one plays, in addition to other functions, the role of director. The selection of these individuals was chosen in order to obtain a vision from the organizational point of view about the educational institution’s guidelines and practices. From the information obteined and its analysis, it is concluded that the four selected categories are the pillars of efficacy in an educational organization in pandemic times.


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How to Cite

León Soria, A. P., & Sánchez Huarcaya, A. O. (2022). Managerial Staff Perceptions on Organizational Factors Associated with School Efficacy. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 13(2).



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