Video games in the Classroom

A Didactic Strategy




educational strategies, video games, situated learning, student motivation, COVID-19, classroom research


This research explores the use of a video game for educational purposes, Monsters versus Viruses, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uruguay. The objective was to investigate the potential use of a video game in two educational centers, in order to understand the logics of its incorporation as a pedagogical strategy in primary school classrooms. A case study was implemented, articulated through pilot tests in five groups and the conduction of four semi-structured interviews with both referents in educational technologies and teachers. The most relevant result is the multiplicity of ideas that arise among the interviewees about possible strategies to be developed with the video game in class. Likewise, the general positive assessment of the interviewees on the use of video games at the educational level is evident, highlighting both obstacles and facilitators at the time of their implementation. As a main conclusion, there is a need to continue investigating the subject in the country, generating knowledge about teachers’ experiences, as there are no records that allow exchanging experiences or that evaluate the effects of video games in primary education.


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How to Cite

Questa-Torterolo, M., Tejera Techera, A., & Zorrilla de San Martín, V. (2022). Video games in the Classroom: A Didactic Strategy. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 13(2).



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