Study of the evolution of (cyber)bullying in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
cyberbullying, pandemic, COVID-19, lockdown, Cuve3Abstract
Cyberbullying and bullying are interrelated phenomena that occur in our schools, which are understood as intentional acts repeated over time and with an imbalance of power to harm one or more people to another, through digital media (cyberbullying) or face-to-face (bullying), with negative consequences for those who suffer. The pandemic and lockdowns have seen an increase in cases of bullying in the form of cyberbullying. In addition, the study of bullying is not understood without one of its most frequent forms, such as digital bullying. The present study aims to present the data obtained from the overview of bullying behaviors in a group-classroom before the pandemic and after a period of confinement to show the changes between one scenario and the other classroom before the pandemic and later after a period of confinement to show the changes originated between one scenario and the other, to investigate the factors that determine how they interrelate in a new reality and to check the extrapolation of some forms of bullying towards others that show an evolution from bullying towards cyberbullying that is amplified by occurring in the available space in which the students are articulated during the confinement without classroom attendance.
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