Case study: experience of students in initial teacher training in simulations of pedagogical practices in a virtual world




initial teacher training, pedagogical practices, virtual world, simulations, case study


Immersive technologies supply a unique opportunity for students in Initial Teacher Training (ITT) to enrich their training process, expanding the alternatives for teaching practice beyond the classroom environment in schools. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of ITT students in simulations of pedagogical practices in a Virtual World (VM). Using a case study approach, an educational intervention was designed based on simulated practice challenges in an open-source environment representing a school. The study involved nine students enrolled in pedagogy programs at a university in the Biobío region, Chile. Throughout the study, the students faced six challenges with ascending levels of complexity, using role-playing techniques. During these challenges, they proved pedagogical and technological competencies for teaching in their discipline, aligned with the goals of the national curriculum. A logbook was used to collect data in which participants recorded their strengths and weaknesses after each challenge. Through a thematic analysis of these logs, the results highlight both the pedagogical and technological value of simulations in the virtual environment. It is concluded that simulations of pedagogical practices in a VM can enrich future teachers' training by offering a platform that effectively integrates pedagogy and technology.


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How to Cite

Badilla-Quintana, M. G., & Sandoval-Henríquez, F. J. (2024). Case study: experience of students in initial teacher training in simulations of pedagogical practices in a virtual world. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 15(1).



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