University students' perceptions of a mathematics HyFlex course
hybrid modality, mathematical concepts and procedures, mathematics education, COVID-19, HyFlexAbstract
This paper analyzes the perceptions of 175 Uruguayan university students regarding a HyFlex teaching and learning experience in mathematics. Through a mixed-method approach, combining a questionnaire and open interviews, the study reveals a correlation between the shift the mathematics classes were held and the mode of attendance. This correlation primarily arises from social-cognitive factors and, secondarily, from specific factors related to students' personal context. Students reported high satisfaction with their learning experience and expressed contentment with the interaction patterns and their motivation; however, weaknesses were identified in student-to-student interaction and the attention patterns of both face-to-face and remote audiences. It is crucial to highlight that the purpose of this study is not to take a definitive stance for or against the HyFlex teaching format. While literature emphasizes the advantages of HyFlex teaching, it is equally essential to consider the criticisms associated with this format. Therefore, outcomes may vary depending on the institutional contexts where this format is implemented. If there is an intention to introduce this format, especially in mathematics courses, it becomes imperative to encourage students to engage in self-reflection; this empowers them to select the mode of attendance consciously they believe will yield the most significant benefits in terms of course engagement, effective participation, and, subsequently, acquisition of mathematical knowledge. Achieving this goal requires enhancing teachers' technological and pedagogical competencies to manage HyFlex courses effectively and enhance the success of mathematics education.
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