Educational research training of prospective teachers: from theory to practice
higher education, teacher, pedagogy, investigation, training, formative researchAbstract
The relevance of educational research in teacher training is a line of research that is part of the international debate. In the Ibero-American context, it has been gaining notoriety in recent years. The present work has a double objective. The first is to carry out an experience where some aspects of training in educational research are applied based on a theoretical model. The second is to know the students' evaluations of the formative actions carried out during the experience and the relevance of educational research for teaching. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, we implemented three formative actions with pre-service teachers at a public university in Chile. Later, we collected data through focal groups. (4). The results show that students favorably value using educational research to access updated information on various educational aspects, strengthen professional decision-making, and update teaching knowledge. Among the conclusions, the importance of continuing to implement concrete actions within the training programs so that students have a timely approach to educational research is highlighted.
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