Dimensions of inclusive education in the voice of the vocational education student

the role of inclusive leadership





vocational training, surveys, inclusive leadership, diverse leadership, political and social dimension


Inclusive education is the overarching framework of the Spanish educational system, aiming to ensure quality education for all, considering the characteristics of students. A mixed investigation was conducted to determine the dimensions through which Vocational Education students construct their perception of inclusive education. A sample of 1,070 students was selected via simple random sampling, and a self-administered questionnaire on the perception of inclusive education was employed. Descriptive frequency analysis was conducted based on educational, axiological, political, cultural, and social dimensions. In this latter dimension, it was observed how students perceive and experience inclusive and diverse leadership among their peers and how this influences their overall vision of inclusive education. Additionally, an analysis of central tendency measures was pursued based on sociodemographic characteristics. The results indicated that the social and political dimensions were the most referenced by the sample. Furthermore, it was evidenced that students who possess a more comprehensive idea regarding inclusive education are women, those enrolled in higher-level vocational training programs, urban residents, attendees of privately run institutions, and those pursuing arts-related courses.


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How to Cite

Gallego–Jiménez, M. G., Rodríguez Otero, L. M., & Sánchez–Macías, I. (2024). Dimensions of inclusive education in the voice of the vocational education student: the role of inclusive leadership. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.18861/cied.2024.15.2.3807


