The collaborative discourse in the classroom

analysis of eight paradigmatic articles




collaborative learning, collaborative interaction, collaborative discourse analysis, literature review, interaction analysis


In the educational context, the traditional teaching discourse, or vertical discourse from teacher to student, has been extensively studied. However, nowadays, collaborative learning has gained more relevance. Initially, research on collaborative learning focused on exploring the results and effects of collaboration. However, later studies identified the need to analyze the collaborative work process. The methodological analysis presents challenges due to its complexity. Various methodologies have been proposed in this sense, ranging from qualitative approaches (textual data analysis) to systematic approaches based on analytical categories (categorized data analysis). Recognizing these methodologies is crucial to improving understanding and advancing towards more effective analytical tools (Campbell, 2021; Leguizamón et al., 2020). Therefore, this article aims to conduct a literature review on different methodologies for analyzing collaborative discourse, considering paradigmatic cases that represent the variety of existing methodological approaches. For this, a panoramic literature review of the last ten years was conducted in the databases SciELO, Redalyc, ERIC, and Scopus. Empirical studies analyzing verbal interactions in collaborative contexts, both face-to-face and virtual, synchronous and asynchronous, were included. From the total of recovered articles, eight particular cases are analyzed in this review, those that can be considered paradigmatic of the indicated types. The obtained results show a wide variety of methodologies available to analyze collaborative discourse. This methodological diversity not only enriches the research by providing multiple approaches but also allows researchers to validate their results using different methods.


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How to Cite

Cardoni, J., Roselli, N. D., & García Ripa, M. I. (2024). The collaborative discourse in the classroom: analysis of eight paradigmatic articles. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 15(2).


