O estereótipo antijudaico no ensino médio





preconceito, adolescência, judeus, antissemitismo, judeofobia, implícito, valores, moral, ensino médio, educação secundária


Group stereotypes are social representations in the form of ideas or beliefs on which group hatreds are usually based. One of these group hatreds is antisemitism or Judeophobia, which is scarcely addressed despite its verifiable presence. The reason for this scarcity may be related to the phenomenon's complexity. In general terms, all stereotypes constitute a fertile field for education to the extent that they are cognitive. In order to detect group stereotypes, adolescence is an appropriate age because moral judgment is already formed, and treating them could contribute to Values Education at this evolutionary stage. A self-report questionnaire was administered to 321 students between 16 and 18 years old in four cities in three South American countries. In addition, interviews with specialists were conducted. The students consulted had not had direct contact with Jews at the time of the study. The managing questionnaire was based on the premises of the Implicit Association Test, and it aimed to elicit words associated with the voice "Jew". The results show that almost half of the associated terms had a negative connotation linked to the notion of domination. Including some explanations of this phenomenon in the school curriculum may help mitigate it.


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Como Citar

Perednik, G. D., & Reich, M. . (2023). O estereótipo antijudaico no ensino médio. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.18861/cied.2023.14.1.3294



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