From paper to algorithm: the natural, the technological a priori and music in the Andes


  • Julio Mendivil Goethe - Universität Frankfurt Am Main



technological a priori, music, phonographic records, ethnomusicology, Peruvian Andes.


In this article I want to show what Friedrich Kittler (1999) has called a priori technological influence the conceptualization of music that is occurring in the Andes so far in the 21st century. To do that I will refer to two different, but convergent experiences due to their role as media: the recordings of the songs of Luis Ayvar, in which I participated as an ethnomusicologist and musician, and in field recordings made with the team of Yaku Taki in Cajamarca. I want to show that the technological a priori largely determines our way of thinking music, influencing directly both the ethnomusicologists practices and the musicians.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Mendivil, J. (2016). From paper to algorithm: the natural, the technological a priori and music in the Andes. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 10(10), 52–75.


