Musical streaming on Spotify: ubiquity between genres and moods


  • Jimena Jáuregui Universidad de Buenos Aires



streaming, ubiquity, mobility, genres, Muzak


From digitalization and Internet emergency, the music industry goes through a transformation process from a broadcasting model to networking. In the last years, streaming services show a sustained growth as a way of access and music reproduction instead of physical format and digital downloading practices. Spotify stands out among applications based on free options with advertising or on paid subscriptions, which offer music for every moment, everywhere.
Ubiquity and mobility are advertised as novel effects of technological change. However, the current state of recorded music requires to be inquired in its historical trajectory as a specific articulation of technical devices, discourses and social practices. Among functional music and genres previously established by discographic industry, the classification of a multiple offer proposes a way of listening as accompaniment to social activity.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Jáuregui, J. (2016). Musical streaming on Spotify: ubiquity between genres and moods. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 10(10), 76–90.


