Music, visuality and spectacle: from flash mob to smart mob


  • Alfredo Tenoch Cid Jurado Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco



music, semiotics, visuality, performances, flash mobs


From a series of instruments of visual semiotics and space, are the possibilities of interaction music, visualization and the show in the creation of meanings from significant forms of flash mob and its ideological variant, the smart mob. Thanks to some reflections of Eco (1976, 1979), Cano (2002), Tarasti (2006), Pavis (1994, 1996, 2011) y Tatit (2007) it is possible to observe the form of the construction of the meaning of spectacular demonstrations performed in restaurants, public squares, shopping malls, airports, railway stations, etc. with the capacity of to be semantizated from a massive performance.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Tenoch Cid Jurado, A. (2016). Music, visuality and spectacle: from flash mob to smart mob. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 10(10), 91–105.


