Social and cultural pain: his narrative in relation to the other


  • Patricia Bernal Universidad Javeriana



Social pain, dualism, humanism, Other, social communication, noncommunicability of pain


I intend to focus here on the issue of social and cultural pain from four different perspectives of analysis. First, I will refer to the dualism between the material and the spiritual, in order to understand some ontological aspects that derive from such opposition. On a second moment, I will discuss pain in some of its cultural dimensions. The third perspective will consider pain as something that is caracteristically humane. Finally, I will discuss pain and its relation with the Other.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Bernal, P. (2016). Social and cultural pain: his narrative in relation to the other. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 9(9), 56–77.


