The disinformation of America


  • Jorge Andrés Gordillo Universidad Iberoamericana



Edmundo O’Gorman, Jacques Derrida, Latin American history, deconstruction, role of historian, device concept in Braunstein


This work aims to examine the historiographical work La invención de América, by Edmundo O’Gorman. The prologue will be read, at first, following one of the lines that, for deconstruction, was proposed by Jacques Derrida; this implies reading “from within the text” in order to locate metaphysical features at work in the narrative structure. A deconstructive intervention will propose the sintagm “uninvention”, since it others a new way of reflecting on the concept “America” in the current context-without, at the same time, completely abandoning the concepts of “discovery” and “invention”. At a second moment, the notion of “device” (“dispositivo”) –taken from the work of psychoanalist Néstor Braunstein– will be considered, paying attention to its participation in the writing of history within La invención de América; "nally, the role of the historian –as well as its consequences– will be located in the device.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Gordillo, J. A. (2016). The disinformation of America. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 9(9), 91–102.


