The construction of the event in times of the internet


  • Silvia Tabachnik Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana



Event, the present, testimony, archive, Internet


It stems from the hypothesis that radical changes are occurring in the Internet that affect the genesis, morphology, modes of representation, diffusion and acknowledgement of the event. Said mutations would affect the ways in which events of the media representation of the present are collectively experienced and interpreted. This work “delves” into Internet’s virtual files to examine videos related to the processing of the events that took place in Ayotzinapa, a recent affair that demands to be acknowledged with the identity and the historical, political and ethical status of an event.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Tabachnik, S. (2017). The construction of the event in times of the internet. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 11(11), 181–195.


