Digitization of the book in Mexico. Symbolic confrontations between students’ and professors’


  • Armando Monzón Nieves Universidad Tecnológica Latinoamericana en Línea




textbook, digital resource, metaphor, game, speech


In the near future, electronic devices will have a central place in the classrooms of the
private schools of basic education. But the present suggests that the majority of teachers are reluctant to include digital resources to their school dynamics, while students, as digital natives, handle with ease and comfort those resources. The major obstacle facing the private education in Mexico is a problem of media coverage, where new technological devices instead of reconfiguring the role of teachers and students in the discursive process of learning, it seems that it has become disconfigured. The purpose of this work will be to explain what are the symbolic confrontations between students and teachers from understanding semiotics of the digital resources. For this it is necessary to devise the digital resource as a metaphor, then as a game, and finally as a relationship where students interact with a system of signs that has a particular discursive arrangement, different from the printed textbook, and from which constructs a new narrative didactics.

(Complete article in spanish language).


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How to Cite

Monzón Nieves, A. (2017). Digitization of the book in Mexico. Symbolic confrontations between students’ and professors’. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 11(11), 251–273. https://doi.org/10.18861/ic.2016.11.11.2628


