Melancholia, decay, stress and enjoyment. Social representations regarding the experiences of home construction in peripheral working-class neighborhoods
Peripheral working class neighborhood, housing, self-construction, cathexis, social representations.Abstract
Housing has shown to be a major social problem. One of the issues to consider regarding the cause of this problem is that the state was not constituted as a relevant agent for the construction of housing plans. Therefore, the responsibility surroundingthe construction of homes has marked the population. The production of housing constitutes an expensive challenge. We assume that the cathexis of housing is key to understand such process. This article addresses the social representations stated in
four biographic memoirs of the dwellers of a working-class neighborhood about the access, the production process and the statute of home ownership. For such purpose, the references to the use value and the symbolic value have been investigated paying
attention to temporariness. This exploration’s empiric foundation focuses on a series of open interviews made during year 2015 in a peripheral working-class neighborhood of the Quilmes district, in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, Argentina.
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