The patriotism of The Sunday Post: fictions of war and soldiers


  • Candela Marini Duke University



Paraguayan War, Triple Alliance War, illustrated press, lithographs, visual journalism.


This article explores the visual coverage of past and contemporary events offered by the illustrated journal Correo del Domingo during its first years of publication (1864-1866), particularly in relation to the Triple Alliance War (1865-1870). Given that the journal was one of the first publications in the region to offer forms of visual journalism, the first part of the essay analyzes the blurry boundaries between lithographs of informative, journalistic purpose and those of more markedly fictional nature. The second part of the article argues that the journal takes advantage of the malleable uses of the lithographic image to overcome the visual coverage problems of a war that did not dovetail with the official discourse of heroism and patriotism that the journal supported.


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How to Cite

Marini, C. (2018). The patriotism of The Sunday Post: fictions of war and soldiers. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 12(2), 73–97.


