Media, political strategies and communication. Redefinitions of the characteristics of public sphere in the context of mediatization




Public place, communication, media, political strategies, mediatization.


This article is concerned with the redefinitions of the public sphere and their relationship with politics from an informational and communicational perspective. We will address these changes primarily through the eyes of two researchers who have devoted themselves to understanding the functioning of the public sphere in contemporary times: Bernard Miège and Peter Dahlgren. Our attention will be focused on the mutations that affected the public sphere, causing its fragmentation and expansion. This dynamic is explained by changes in communication practices, especially politics and journalistic practices in fostering democracy. These practices will be treated as prisms for understanding the public sphere since it depends, among other factors, on mediated interactions and exchanges.


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How to Cite

de Souza Paes, P. (2019). Media, political strategies and communication. Redefinitions of the characteristics of public sphere in the context of mediatization. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 14(2), 43–57.


