Datification and streamification of culture

Clouds, networks and algorithms in the use of digital platforms





Datos, Algoritmos, Plataformas, Computación en la nube, Cultura del streaming


The article analyzes some of the socio-technical elements that, placed in series and considered simultaneously, are at the base of the social dataification processes and undoubtedly constitute one of the profiles of our time. To this end, we will provide a definition of a digital platform, as well as what is commonly known as streaming and cloud computing, since the activities of users in networks and the social circulation of the digital contents they consume are supported on this technical and material infrastructure. Subsequently, we will address the notion of data and algorithm, which are central to understanding the current phenomenon of -precisely- dataification and algorithmization of social processes. However, since a more complete understanding of this phenomenon cannot ignore the historical importance of cybernetics, the true theoretical and practical framework of both algorithms and contemporary social life, we will dedicate a first section to highlight its most salient aspects in order to consider its relevance today. The hypothesis being tested is that the progressive installation of these computer techniques during the first decade of our century, and the multiple and daily social uses through which they were sedimented in the following decade, generated the conditions for the emergence of what we will call a streamification of culture.


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Author Biography

Lucas Bazzara, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Magíster en Comunicación y Cultura, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Becario Doctoral en Ciencias Sociales, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (Argentina). Autor de artículos en revistas especializadas en comunicación, tecnología y sociedad.


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How to Cite

Bazzara, L. (2021). Datification and streamification of culture: Clouds, networks and algorithms in the use of digital platforms. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.18861/ic.2021.16.2.3082


