Cualquiera tiene un plan hasta que le pegan en la cara
Aprender de la crisis
The latest work by Riorda and Bentolila (2020) –entitled Anyone has a plan until they hit you in the face. Learning from a crisis– was not born in an ordinary year. It was born in a year in which everything changed as a result of a pandemic that made the whole world enter into a crisis and the idea of normality was put into discussion. It is a work gestated from the crossed analysis of the social sciences and the medical and psychiatric sciences, identifying the interpretive frameworks that allow to characterize the idea of crisis, its complexity and nature, but also to investigate the impact that it has in individuals as people and as political leaders in charge of carrying out the management of the crisis. Far from proposing a methodical plan for the “successful” management of the crisis, the work begins by reflecting on the impact of the crisis on any planning and how it obliterates the idea of control and certainty. Assuming the failure of the plan is the first step to advance in the reflection on the processes and tools that enable a resilient learning process. The work is presented as an open cartography, in which the only possible exit of the crisis is by encouraging oneself to learn from a fully human dimension and assuming the vulnerable social condition of man in his relationship with the world.
Bentolila, S. (2005). Dispositivos de intervención de salud mental en emergencias y catástrofes. Consideraciones clínicas de los trastornos asociados a experiencias
traumáticas. La Plata: Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Bentolila, S. (2008). Algunas consideraciones clínicas sobre el impacto traumático de la violencia interpersonal. Revista CLEPIOS, 14(3), 100-105.
Elizalde, L., Fernández Pedemonte, D. & Riorda, M. (2006). La construcción del consenso: Gestión de la Comunicación Gubernamental. Buenos Aires: La Crujía.
Elizalde, L., Fernández Pedemonte, D. & Riorda, M. [editores] (2011). La gestión del disenso: La comunicación gubernamental en problemas. Buenos Aires: La Crujía.
Riorda, M. & Bentolila, S. (2020). Cualquiera tiene un plan hasta que te pegan en la cara. Aprender de las crisis. Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Riorda, M. (2016). Cambiando. El eterno comienzo de la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Planeta.
Saxe, J. G. (1872). The poems of John Godfrey Saxe. Boston: J. Osgood. Recuperado de: