Ethical implications of artificial intelligence

Technologies and news production




artificial intelligence, journalism, newsrooms, ethics


This article makes a bibliographical approach about the ethical challenges posed by the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of journalistic newsrooms. For this purpose, the report on news automation by the World Association of News Publishers –which represents more than 120 countries and is known as WAN-IFRA– and the guide linked to algorithmic data processing in newsrooms published by the news agency The Associated Press (AP), whose particularity lies in the assistance for the writing of various AI, in addition to being a pioneer in the application of these systems to content production, are reviewed. The main ethical dilemmas are identified and the challenges and difficulties faced by the journalist when using machine processing for the production, processing and distribution of newsworthy products are addressed. The main hypothesis with which it works is that there are still no documents that consider the potentialities and consequences of the application of these technologies in a responsible manner according to the ethical standards of journalism. It is understood that this is an area of relative vacancy in Spanish speaking and of growing relevance, so the article seeks to provide new reflections on the ethical implications that are highlighted in the aforementioned documents and to think about the future challenges of practice in newsrooms from a growing use of AI.


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How to Cite

Lassi, A. (2022). Ethical implications of artificial intelligence: Technologies and news production. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 17(2).


