Photographic self-portrait and contemporaneity

The selfie as a need to find what is not in one's own body




selfie, photography, digital social networks, program, donation, shipment


This article works philosophically on the self-portrait -selfi- produced by smartphones and their publications on social networks. It therefore reflects on questions of a technical nature based on the proposals of authors such as Vilém Flusser, Gilbert Simondon and Gerard Wajcman. Then, following the psychoanalytical perspective of Jacques Lacan, we address the need for the image in a structural sense of the individual, an issue projected onto the proliferation of the self-portrait on the Internet. Finally, in accordance with the philosophical thought of Patricio Marchant, the contemporary photographic compulsion is analysed through concepts such as donation and sending.


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How to Cite

Concha Lagos, J. P. (2024). Photographic self-portrait and contemporaneity: The selfie as a need to find what is not in one’s own body. InMediaciones De La Comunicación, 19(2).


