Model to support academic progression in higher education online students




online learning, distance education, higher education, adult dropout, academic persistence, academic support services, adult learners


During the last few years there has been an increase in online training programs, an opportunity for those who need to reconcile studies with other activities. Retention rates in this type of training are low. There are multiple factors that have been identified as part of the problem of continuity in studies for adult students in online programs. The method design is mixed, of the sequential explanatory type. The quantitative phase is an ex post facto study of the causal comparative type that allowed to identify significant differences between groups for the variables under study, from a sample of 9,405 first-year students. The qualitative phase included the application of interviews. It was found that the tutor's orientation, passing basic skill courses, the participation of the students in induction activities and having the attention of the socio-affective support unit, directly influence  academic persistence in students, as well as their, participation in online platforms and grade averages. Students value effective communication with teachers and tutors. It is from the diversity of actions undertaken that a containment network is generated to support the process of continuity of studies. It is not possible to attribute success to a single action separately, and we deduce from in-depth interviews that, also, the influence of each program is different in relation to the needs presented by each student, showing the importance of institutions deploying various support actions, which will be used by students to the extent of their needs.


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How to Cite

Romero Alonso, R. E., & Anzola Vera, J. J. (2022). Model to support academic progression in higher education online students. Cuadernos De Investigación Educativa, 13(1).



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