University faculty beliefs about technologies and education
a correspondence study
faculty, beliefs, higher education, educational technology, distance education, online courses, surveysAbstract
This paper addresses the beliefs regarding digital technologies and online and distance education among a sample of undergraduate professors (n=1,381) from face-to-face education, open education, and distance education at the National Autonomous University of Mexico who participated in a survey conducted between April and August 2021. For the data analysis, the statistical technique known as Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was employed, which allowed the identification of underlying structures associated with the faculty's positions in relation to certain beliefs. Regarding the results, it stands out that faculty members belonging to open and distance education modalities, who are women, young, with master's degrees, appointed as part-time professors, and who reported taking various continuous education courses in the two years prior to the survey are closer to favorable beliefs regarding digital technologies and distance education. These results contribute to academic discussions about the centrality of teacher beliefs in understanding how practices are shaped. Additionally, it adds a less-explored dimension in these studies that refers to aspects of the profile that need to be considered to understand the differentiated way in which these beliefs manifest, as well as the importance of faculty receiving teacher training to sustain certain favorable beliefs in digital technologies and online and distance education.
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